Cyber SecurityTechnology

Protect your data and stay secure.


In the world of technology and the digital era, everything relies on the internet. From online shopping to financial transactions, freelancing, and business deals, everything is on the internet. You only need Wi-Fi to connect and access everything found on the internet. However, where technology has a positive impact, it also has a negative impact on life. Many hackers are set on their seats to steal data and personal information for many reasons. In recent years, cyber attracts have been found in large numbers. They not only steal individual details, but they also attract significant sectors like banks, the government sector, and personal data on websites.

  • Security is paramount, and thus, it means preventing your data from being accessed by people who are not allowed to take it. A data breach is not a small problem at all, and its effects can be rather severe. However, there are a number of things that one can do to prevent such an event. Security is essential so that one does not fall victim to cybercriminals who are a menace to a digital lifestyle.
  • Don’t use public WIFI.
  • Don’t open unauthorised emails; they contain the virus that stole the data.
  • Don’t share personal information like I’d password with an unauthorised person, even not your close friend.
  • One tip that should be in the back of the mind when using the apps is to ensure that you first read and obey all the security notifications that pop up. These prompts are not meant to be annoying but for your safety. By following them, you ensure that you minimise being a victim of cybercriminals, hence ensuring that you are eased while using your favourite applications.

In this article, I’ll give you some tips and ways to protect your data from cybercrimes, stay secure, and gain more knowledge on the internet. Internet use is not a bad thing, but some hackers use it in the wrong way, which can cause a significant loss. Many companies face cybercrimes and lose billions of dollars and personal information. According to the Statista statistics from 2001- 2023, 30 thousand cybercrimes have been detected worldwide. Most public administrative companies are victims of crimes, with about 12,127 cases reported. Seont financial sector faces cybercrimes and has reported 2500 cases in every industry.

Understanding cyber threats

Hackers create threads in the form of files or viruses that attach to e-mails or messages. When you open the mail, computer information is leaked, and the hacker has access to the information. With the advancement of technology, hackers are changing their strategy to steal information. Here are the following threads that are famous and that hackers use.

Philsing Threads: This thread is dangerous because it injects into high-profile industries and companies to steal personal data. The thread is sent to the user through an email or messages that appear to come from a trusted source.

In 2020, Twitter experienced a phishing thread attack on high-profile accounts, including Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Barack Obama, which were hacked. Its impact is that the attacker promotes cryptocurrency scams through the verified platform.

Malware Threads: Malware threads are designed in the form of software to damage and disrupt the computer to steal information. It includes the

Viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, and adware. This tread is delivered through the e-mail attachment and software download.

Ransomware Threads are a type of malware that encrypts user data and demands payment to access and restore it. This trend spreads through e-mail or dangerous software.

Ways to protect the data

Data protection is a susceptible issue, but we protect them through the many ways that secure the data from unauthorised persons.

Use strong password

Passwords are defences against attackers. Use a strong password to lock the app or lock sensitive information. Passwords prevent misuse or hacking of accounts and act as safeguards that protect financial, personal, and professional information.

Tips for a strong password

The maximum length of the password is 12 alphabet characters, including numbers and special characters ( @,%,$ !).

Use a mix-match of uppercase, lowercase, and special characters in the combination.

Don’t use the general and easy password “6574.” The hacker easily recognises this type of password.

Don’t use one password for multiple accounts.

Use password management tools.

Last password: The previous password is the management tool that provides you with a strong password and saves it for later use.

One benefit is that you can easily access the secure password from any device.  Using the last password can back up the data.

1Password: 1Password stores the password, files, and MFA integration. It allows the generation and protection of secure passwords, and you can easily access the password across various devices.

Use Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): John: 2FA is another security measure that confirms that people who attempt to log in to an online account are authorised to do this. To begin with, a user will have to type his or her username and password of choice. Then, instead of being let in, they will be asked to produce another piece of information, which is irritating.

Benefits of 2FA:

Enhanced Security: This way, even if the hacker gets your password, he/she will not be able to access your accounts, as 2FA complicates the procedure a lot.

Protection Against Phishing and Keyloggers: Have you ever heard of Key_logging or PHISHING, Where hackers retrieve all your passwords, yet they cannot get access to your account without the second factor?

Increased User Confidence: It will always be reassuring and create trust in online services when one can be confident that his/her accounts are shielded by 2FA.

The 2FA is on every account platform, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. On the 2FA, data and information from this are protected and secure.

Tips for effective 2FA

  • Choose the most secure Second method, like Google authenticator.
  • Regularly update the method.
  • Store Backup codes in a secure place
  • Pay attention to the 2FA notification
  • Ensure the smartphone uses the secure password

Protect from software updates

Any updates are crucial in order to keep the security of your devices intact. The software developers often make updates to close down vulnerabilities that hackers may use. In this way, it is possible to eliminate those loopholes that hackers can use to get into your system and initiate a malware attack or steal user’s information. Updates, on the other hand, add features, enrich user experience, and make it possible for an application to integrate with new technologies.

To use the available updates, you should incorporate the notification icon and system alerts that notify you of the updates. Also, enabling automatic updates on all the linked devices would be helpful. With a product like Norton Driver Updater, these drivers and software can be updated automatically, which saves a lot of time.

Protected and Secure Your Network

Home Network Security: Ways of protecting your home wireless network.

To secure your home Wi-Fi network, you should change the password and choose a unique one, use WPA3 encryption, and update the router’s firmware. Also, changing the default network name, which is commonly known as SSID, and switching off remote management options can help boost security 3.

VPN Usage: Advantages of VPN in internet browsing and protection.

There are several advantages to using a VPN. For example, a VPN secures your traffic, hides your IP, and shields your activities from hackers and your ISP. VPNs are particularly beneficial when connecting to various public Wi-Fi networks because your data will be safe and cannot be seen by other people 3.

Public Wi-Fi Precautions: Tips that should be paid attention to when working on Wi-Fi connection.

If using public Wi-Fi, refrain from inputting personal information or using anything financial. Encrypt your connection through a virtual private network, and turn off file sharing. It is also recommended that you check if your device has a firewall on it. There are rogue access points that pretend to be legal networks to capture your data information.

Data Backup Solutions

The backup part of data protection. Backups are necessary because they act as a safeguard in the event of data loss caused by hardware failure, hacking, or even when data is intentionally or accidentally erased. This means that by frequently backing up, in case anything goes wrong, the data can be easily retrieved, thus bringing limited interruption

Types of Backups:

Cloud Backups: The information is stored on other computers hosted by other parties who can provide ‘offsite’ security and can be accessed from virtually any location.

Local Backups: Store information on hard disks, such as an external hard drive or NAS, which can be accessed and controlled at any moment you need your backups.

Hybrid Backups: Both cloud and local backups should be used to provide backup redundancy and improve data security

Backup Best Practices: Information to do with proper strategies for making backups and how to go about it.

Implement the 3-2-1 rule: Duplicate your data at least three times, have one original copy and two copies of the data backup, use different media, and have one offsite copy. Always verify that your backup is good and set up a method to do recurring backups to have a recent backup.

Recognising Phishing Scams

What is Phishing? : Phishing is another form of cyber attack in which attackers tend to lure internet users by impersonating other people or organisations so that the victims provide their sensitive information, including their user name, password, and financial information. Some examples are email phishing, spear phishing, and SMS phishing, which is formed from SMS phishing.

Identifying Phishing Attempts:

The signs include but are not limited to the following: The sender of the message requests personal information, greetings are general, the language used is incorrect grammatically, and the domain of the email is suspicious. The best way to avoid such messages is to check the sender’s identity by reaching out to the organisation used by the message sender. Do not deal with anyone who insists on the urgency or danger of the investment opportunity. An investor must avoid anyone who uses forceful language that aims to force an investor to invest quickly.

Report Phishing E-mail

Your email provider and the organisation being impersonated should be informed of the phishing attempts. You may also report phishing emails to the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) through the email address reportphishing@apwg. org or forward the email to phishing-report@us-cert. gov. Most existing email clients have integrated tools, and the unanimous recommendation is to report a phishing attack directly.

Using Antivirus software and Anti-malware

Antivirus and anti-malware programs identify, combat, and eradicate threats that threaten the health of a device and its data. These programs continue to protect your system in real-time, scan for threats, and guarantee that your system is free from various cyberattacks.

Top Software Recommendations:

Norton Antivirus

McAfee Total Protection

Bitdefender Antivirus Plus

Kaspersky Total Security

Malwarebytes Premium

Regular Scans:

Schedule full virus scans to help identify and wipe out viruses that did not get caught by real-time protection. Set it to scan the computer weekly, and once in a while, make a full system scan to ensure it is safe. Scanning also ensures that the systems are checked for any threats that, if detected and dealt with, can prevent system crashes.


In this article, I’ll guide you on how to protect your data and stay secure. In the digital era, data protection is very important for securing life and preventing hackers. Use the way to choose a strong password for the account so that an unauthorised person can’t access it. Keep the updates regularly, back up the data, and make 3 copies, with one copy stored offline and two copies stored in a safe place. Use antivirus and anti-malware software to fight viruses on the computer. Know about the phishing scams and report them.

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