
 Expert tips to increase your productivity


Curiously, as shown in a survey conducted by Atlassian, contemporary employees are efficient only at 60% of the working hours. Just imagine how much time was wasted on such pointless tasks that close to the entire day was spent on them!

Employment in the current world is characterised by low productivity, as every working person is constantly faced with the challenges of low productivity. Some of these are steady distractions, time management, and the propensity to work under tremendous pressure and multitask. Such problems affect work productivity and result in stress and even staff burnout.

In this blog post, I provide practical and evidence-based solutions for combating these productivity issues. These strategies, combined with expert tips, will help you work smarter, produce more in less time, and consequently have a better working-to-personal-life ratio.

Tips to increase productivity


Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound (SMART) Goals: Referral to SMART goals enhances focus on the goals in place. Each goal should be:

Specific: Reasonably well-defined and quite specific.

Measurable: Measurable that makes it easier to monitor progress being made towards the set targets.

Achievable: Realistic and attainable.

Relevant: In line with the goals and objectives of a business organisation or in relation to a specific person’s affairs.

Time-bound: Done within a given time frame to ensure that people act fast because time is of the essence.


Techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix: The schedule triage can be created by using the Eisenhower Matrix, which is a model that divides the tasks into groups according to the following criteria:

  • Urgent and Important: This should be done right now.
  • Necessary but Not Urgent: Ded to later.
  • Urgent but Not Important: As soon as possible, the task should be delegated.

Long-term vs. Short-term Goals

Balancing Immediate Tasks with Future Objectives: Along with the narrowly defined assignments, it is necessary to manage the long-term objectives. The short-term goals act as more instant rewards that are useful in enhancing motivation, while the long-term goals are helpful in setting long-term and more structured progress. Both of these should be reviewed and modified on a routine basis in relation to the goals you have set.


2. Time Management Techniques

Pomodoro Technique

Working in Short, Focused Bursts: The Pomodoro Technique involves working for 25 minutes, which is called one Pomodoro, followed by a break. This method increases concentration and does not allow the worker to get bored and, therefore, demotivated. Take a longer break after four Pomodoros to be well-rested before continuing.

Time Blocking

Scheduling Specific Times for Different Tasks: Time blocking means that you assign each activity to certain parts of the day to be completed at those particular times. This assists in the establishment of a routine and maintains an undertone of organisation or order. It also eradicates most forms of procrastination and guarantees that all tasks have been attended to.

Task Batching

Grouping Similar Tasks to Enhance Focus: A task, known as batch, means doing several related tasks at one time or combining several small tasks to form a bigger one. For example, allocate time to respond to emails, do calls, or do any creative work. This reduces the cases of context switches and improves performance.

3. Identifying Distractions to increases the productivity

Common Productivity Killers: Demonstrate awareness of usual interferences, such as social networks, emails, and irrelevant meetings. This is why the first step in any environment is to determine what distracts and interferes with attentiveness.

Creating a Distraction-Free Environment

Tips for Optimizing Your Workspace: Create an environment suitable for concentration by learning how to clear your workspace, avoid extra noise, and use high-quality furniture. Furthermore, implement restrictions to prevent colleagues or family members from disturbing you.

Digital Detox

Managing Digital Distractions with Tools and Apps: Digital tools and apps should be used as an arsenal against distractions. Tools such as Focus@Will, Forest, or website blockers keep the user away from distracting websites and specify working time intervals. Ensure that the employees take breaks from using gadgets by setting a certain time of the day when they can power down their gadgets.

4. Enhancing focus to increase productivity.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Techniques to Improve Focus: Mindfulness and meditation assist in enhancing the ability to focus and concentrate by building the ability to pay attention. Solutions like deep breathing, body scan, and even mindful meditation are effective in alleviating stress, improving human cognition, and, in general, improving mental performance.

Breaks and Downtime

The Importance of Regular Breaks: They are scared to break away and take regular breaks that are necessary when it comes to centering on something. When work is monotonous and uninteresting, taking short breaks during working hours and even long breaks also contributes a lot to avoiding ratability and helping the employee recover energy sources, all in a bid to enhance productivity. Smoking and tea or coffee breaks make the mind fresh, and it allows people to concentrate on the work or come up with a new way of doing the same job.

Healthy Lifestyle

How Diet, Exercise, and Sleep Affect Productivity: Lifestyle and health determine production, which explains why an individual who leads a healthy life performs better than his counterpart who leads an unhealthy life. A balanced diet and exercise, along with getting sufficient rest, help to improve focus, have a better outlook, and maintain one’s vigour. These are important mostly as they ensure that during the day, one is able to concentrate well on the activities to be undertaken.

5. Importance of Learning New Skills

On one side, the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance increase when the skills addressed are continuously built. Acquiring new knowledge or increasing the effectiveness of the existing knowledge is capable of improving the effectiveness of work activity, inspiring people, and thus opening new fields for personal and career growth. Regularly Reviewing Performance and Seeking Feedback: In any process, there should always be feedback and reflection, which would help improve the process further. Debriefing involves the evaluation of performance that includes a peer or a mentor, and reflections on the experience may help for enhancement of the strategies and removal of any hindrances.

6. Expert tips and case studies

Google’s “20% Time” Initiative:

Background: Google adopted a policy allowing workers to spend a fifth of their working time on something that they wanted to work on in the organisation.

Outcome: This initiative led to the development of several good products, such as Gmail and Google News. It encouraged innovation and, to a large extent, positively impacted the satisfaction and efficiency of the employees.

IKEA’s Flexible Work Hours:

Background: Flexible working at IKEA involves employees selecting their own working schedules during the day, including the time they start working or leave work, to create balance with their other activities.

Outcome: It made them happy, as flexibility caused low employee turnover, truancy, and increased performance. Employees were able to gain a sense of personal control, especially over their working hours, hence improving their productivity.

The Pomodoro Technique in a Marketing Agency:

Background: An advertising firm that had issues managing time and creative exhaustion employed the Pomodoro Technique, which comprises 25-minute working sessions with short breaks between them.

Outcome: The team improved in terms of timely assignment delivery and quality work. The many pauses allowed the energy and ideas to remain high during working time.

Basecamp’s “Work Can Wait” Policy:

Background: The recently emerged project management software company Basecamp similarly established a “Work Can Wait” policy, which prohibited communication outside of working hours.

Outcome: Happiness studies have proven that this approach increases employees’ focus, thus allowing them to work better during working hours. The company said that it indicated lower turnover rates, increased productivity, and improved employee satisfaction.


In this blog post, I’ll explore the tips of experts to increase your productivity. Productivity plays a significant role in life. If you have no productivity, then you have no goals. Setting goals is very important, as is focusing on them and struggling to achieve them. According to time management expert Laura Vanderkam, people think they have no time, but they use the time as the need to achieve success in both their professional and personal lives. Don’t distract yourself. Identify the distractions and make a peaceful environment. Try these tips in life to increase productivity.

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